
Saudi Arabia
7616 Riyadh 13243, Saudi Arabia
Phone number: 00966555026885
Professional Training Center CO

Professional Training Center CO (PTC) is a professional training center company established about 10 years ago and is interested in training, development and consulting in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and outside of the region for the government and private sectors.

Our strategy

we work on specialized programs approved by the general organization for technical and vocational training and by international and global bodies. our professional training center is based on 3 pillars that make it a distinct edifice in building skills and capabilities.

  1. Needs assessment
    A set of tools to measure the level of maturity of the organization and individuals
  2. Designing appropriate solutions
    Designing appropriate developmental training and consulting solutions
  3. Transferring knowledge
    Providing advisory and training support to the organization’s employees to transfer knowledge