
Calle Mariano Eduardo de Rivero y Ustáriz #145 – Of. 301, Santiago de Surco, Lima, Perú
Phone number:+51 979 200 441
Management Coaching & Consulting Group – mc2 Group

Management Coaching & Consulting Group is a consulting firm established in 2000, based now in Lima, Peru. It has an exclusive focus on Strategy, Performance, Knowledge, Innovation and Project Cycle Management.

mc2 Group provides consulting, training and coaching services to private companies, government institutions, NGOs, foundations, civil society agencies, development projects and development aid organizations.

It has developed over 350 consulting services in 20 sectors for companies and organizations with headquarter offices in 11 countries in North, Central and South America and the Caribbean.


Through highly qualified, trained and experienced experts who combine excellent theoretical knowledge and outstanding practical experiences in our fields of expertise, mc2 Group provides the following services:

1. Organizational Performance Management:

  • Organizational performance management system audit;
  • Implementation and improvement of comprehensive Performance Management Systems based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for all type of organizations;
  • In-house workshops for establishing organizational objectives and selecting the most relevant KPIs for any organization and performance results analysis through the use of KPIs;
  • Design performance reports for organizations based on data visualization standards;
  • Identification of performance improvement potential lines of action and establishing corrective initiatives with the aim of achieving better results;
  • Organizational processes mapping and optimization.

2. Strategic and Operational Planning Management:

  • Strategic planning for private companies, public institutions, NGOs, development programs and non-profit organizations, enabling the strategy to be translated into operational activities to facilitate its implementation;
  • Strategy execution process alignment across the entire organization with resource utilization, improved efficiency, higher productivity, improved service and increased profit;
  • Strategy audit services;
  • Balanced scorecard implementation;
  • Business plans and annual plans formulation;

3. Project Cycle Management:

  • Design and formulation of programs and projects (Logical framework, ZOOP methodology);
  • Implementation of programs and projects (PM4R methodology);
  • Evaluation of programs and projects (ex-ante, intermediate, final and ex-post);
  • Systematization of successful development programs and projects experiences;
  • Dissemination and visibility of programs and projects results and impacts;
  • Capacity evaluation of NGOs, organizations and institutions for implementing projects and programs;
  • Design, survey and elaboration of baselines;
  • Design and implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems.

4. Training and Human Resources Development:

  • Training needs assessment;
  • Organizational diagnosis;
  • In-house training programs, courses, seminars and workshops designed and implementation, tailored to the clients’ needs;
  • Organizational development;
  • Capacity strengthening;
  • Training program evaluation: reaction, learning, behavioral change, results, impact and ROI;
  • Training of trainers programs.

5. Process Facilitation:

  • Workshops design for establishing or strengthening teams, identifying and solving problems and conflicts, developing proposals, formulating plans and implementing change processes;
  • Workshops facilitation for processes and events.

6. Innovation Management:

  • Identification and formulation of innovation projects;
  • Identification and development of innovation capabilities;
  • Technological audits;
  • Design and implementation of competitive systems of scientific and technological research projects.

7. Other services:

  • Assistance and coaching for the effective and efficient management of private companies, public institutions, cooperation projects and programs, NGOs and non-profit entities;
  • Information systems design;
  • Continuous process improvement;
  • Administrative simplification;
  • Benchmarking studies.